Meet Dani

Dani is a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer with additional specialization in kettlebell training from Kettlebell Athletics.

Dani is also a certified Nutritious Life Nutrition Coach and a ProNatal Fitness certified Pre/Post Natal trainer.


I love working with Dani! She is always available whether I need to know how to make a smoothie or what to order for dinner at a restaurant. Dani is truly a one stop shop for all my health goals.
— Abby
Dani helped me look amazing on my wedding day!!! Not only did I achieve my weight loss goal, but I learned how to maintain my weight and keep the extra pounds off!
— Gaby
At the age of 60 I decided I needed a trainer and Dani developed the perfect pain free workout. I can now go up the stairs without losing my breath and I am stronger than I’ve been in a long time.
— Allison
Dani trained me during and after my pregnancy. She helped me get my body back and stay strong throughout the process while becoming a great support system!
— Melissa